First opening of R&D scheme Einstein Telescope for high-tech companies
On Monday, Oct. 23 at 9 a.m., the first call (call) will open of the R&D scheme technology domain Einstein Telescope for high-tech companies. It concerns the technology domain 'vibration-free cooling'. Companies can qualify for a subsidy of up to €2.585 million.
The aim of the scheme is to stimulate innovation and accelerated development of new technologies for the Einstein Telescope. And thereby strengthen the future earning capacity of the Netherlands. A total of €12.085 million is available for this purpose from the National Growth Fund.
For whom is the R&D scheme?
The scheme is open to individual companies and collaborations (consortia) around five technology domains relevant to the Einstein Telescope. The first domain concerns the development of vibration-free cooling of mirrors to a temperature of 10-20 Kelvin (K). Specifically, applicants are sought for projects that contribute to the development and qualification of vibration-free cooling units. Applicants or consortia may include startups and SMEs, large companies and knowledge institutions.
Evaluation criteria
The applications are evaluated by an independent guidance group. This guidance group uses the following criteria when assessing R&D projects: connection to the technology domain, economic perspective, quality of the applicant or consortium and quality of the project plan.
Program manager Jorg van der Meij (LIOF): "A team of business developers is ready to answer questions from entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions and help them with their application for this opening or for the domains that will follow. Game rule here is that they are active around one of the five technology domains and that there is a good connection to the Einstein Telescope and possible other applications."
Application process and timing
Interested parties are invited to express their interest and submit an application. This can be done for the technology domain vibration-free cooling until 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 24, 2023. More info on the R&D scheme, the team of business developers and the technology domains can be found at
About the Einstein Telescope
The underground Einstein Telescope will be Europe's most advanced observatory for gravitational waves. It will allow researchers to hear black holes collide and gain knowledge about the early universe. The border region of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is an ideal location for this. This is because of its tranquility, stable soil, and strong ecosystem of knowledge institutions and high-tech companies. In 2025 or 2026, the location of this top facility will be announced.
Einstein Telescope for Business
The R&D scheme is part of the Einstein Telescope valorization program for high-tech companies. Regional development company (ROM) LIOF is leading the scheme nationwide, also on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and Nikhef. With three service points at the ROMs in Brabant (BOM), South Holland (InnovationQuarter) and the East Netherlands (Oost NL), a connection is sought nationwide with high-tech ecosystems around the technical universities and, together with industry and knowledge institutions, consortia are built.
About the National Growth Fund
With the National Growth Fund, the government is investing €20 billion between 2021 and 2025 in projects that will ensure long-term economic growth. These are targeted investments in areas with the greatest potential for structural and sustainable economic growth. The National Growth Fund is also investing in the preparation of a joint candidacy for the Einstein Telescope together with Belgium and Germany. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) is responsible for the project. Click here for more info.
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