Through the following funds and programs, we help entrepreneurs with advice and financing. But with this we can also strengthen the sectors in Limburg. Would you like to know more? Give us a call. We will gladly help you.
LIOF is the regional development company of the Province of Limburg. We ensure the strengthening of the economic structure and thus the growth of Limburg.
70 committed LIOF colleagues help your company grow with advice, a solid network and financing, to strive for a smarter, more durable and healthy Limburg.
This program is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Funds are made available under the ongoing program OPZuid 2014-2020.
How can we be conscious of our nature within our sector?
Can I come up with new ideas together with other entrepreneurs?
How can I make my business distinctive?
Program LimburgToerisme
LimburgToerisme is a program of LIOF aimed at innovation by (alliances) of and with companies active in the tourism and recreation sector in Limburg. Together with you, we want to create innovative product-market combinations with an economic return that respond to trends and social challenges. On this page you will find all the information about the program, the financing instruments and how we can help you with your plans.
Due to the success of this program, it will be extended until the end of 2025. That means you can submit applications again starting in January! Contact Tamara Weide for more information.
Together and distinctive:
For the entrepreneur of tomorrow!
What companies can we support?
We are building a tourism & recreation sector in Limburg with SME companies that are innovative and distinctive, thereby cooperating within and outside the sector, within and outside Limburg, making optimal use of the opportunities for digitization and sustainability and thus future-proofing their business.
Are you working on innovative ideas, for example, to develop a new concept, to become more sustainable, to discover other markets or to do business in a future-proof way? Then we would like to sit down with you. We will examine your questions and together with you look at the opportunities and possibilities for your company.
LIOF supports innovative entrepreneurs in Limburg with advice, network and financing. This also applies to the program LimburgTourism. Read how we can help you.
We are building a strong ecosystem
Within the program, (existing) communities are of great importance, both physically and digitally. Communities provide a platform for inspiration and are a source of collaboration. Informing, inspiring and initiating are therefore central.
Various events are organized around current themes, both physically (if permitted) and online. Think of current themes such as sustainability, health and digitization. The starting point is the dissemination and sharing of knowledge by and with companies. But the insights of knowledge institutions and other relevant organizations are also used.
Review Leisure Plus Event Province of Limburg
On November 14, the Province of Limburg organized its Limburg Leisure PLUS Event for its partners in the field of tourism and recreation.
All presentations and workshops can be found here.
Collective programs
Collective programs are organized several times a year. These programs consist of several master classes for groups of entrepreneurs who work together on specific issues. These programs are organized both online and physically (to the extent permitted).
From January onwards we will be working again with inspiring events. Keep an eye on this page and our socials!
Innovation Support
Together with you we go to the table
Two committed business developers are in the field to talk to entrepreneurs. Together with you, we look at your question and search for the most appropriate support. This may be through the financial instruments of our own LimburgTourism program, but also by using our network and access to other (financial) organisations.
Looking for funding for your plan? If so, we have financing options as well. The program has two financing instruments: VoucherProject and InnovationProject, With these instruments we help businesses in the tourism and recreation sector to innovate.
Both instruments have an individual and a collective variant.
Two funding instruments
and you do it alone or together
Focused on development and feasibility testing.
Individual variant; 50% support, maximum € 2,500
Collective variant; at least 2 SMEs, 50% support, maximum € 10,000.
Would you like to know more about the possibilities that LimburgTourism offers? Let us know, we will be happy to help you. Fill out the form and we will contact you within 2 working days.
Mission Limburg is LIOF's initiative to make Limburg the most innovative, attractive and healthy province in the Netherlands. The LimburgTourism program is one of the instruments of this mission. These ambitions are not only attractive but are also very necessary for the Limburg economy. Urgent even.