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5 juni 2023
Start date: 6/5/23
End date: 6/5/23

Food business event: Agro meets Hospitality

  • Are local products really tastier or healthier?
  • Can I distinguish myself as a catering entrepreneur with a local menu?
  • How do my products get from the land to the customer?
  • Can this marketing of local products be arranged sustainably?

Who gives you the answers? And where?

These are questions that excite. And questions that we as LIOF will explore in more depth during a special 'regional market' on Monday, June 5 at the former Philips site De Weerstand in Roermond. An event especially for entrepreneurs from the tourism and agrofood sector.

During this event we invite entrepreneurs from the hospitality and agro sector to be inspired and informed about the benefits and opportunities of local production and consumption. And how you can also contribute to a healthier world with more taste. Because we all know it: what comes from far always leaves a bigger foodprint.

What can you taste?

On this day we present a wide range of short presentations on all aspects of local production and consumption and the advantages of these short chains. Of course you can taste various regional products and you have the opportunity to network extensively. And all that at a beautiful location.

What is the program?

The program starts at 10 am and ends at 3 pm. 
10:00 Walk-in
10:30 Welcome by Tamara Weide, LIOF

10:32 Introduction by Carlo Verhart, Stichting Voedsel Verbindt: 'A robust regional food system'

11:00 LIOF LimburgTourism by Tamara Weide 'What does LIOF do for the Limburg entrepreneur'

11:15 Sessions round 1:

  • Laura Nieboer, Innowastion 
  • Anton Wijen, Mildershoof

12:00 Break/snacks

12:30 Sessions round 2:

  • Christophe de Warrimont, Candy Green
  • Ruud and Sabrina Bos, De Sjroetefarm

13:15 Sessions round 3:

  • Blue Hub, platform for innovation and co-entrepreneurship
  • Jimmy Nuchelmans, Blanche Dael

14:00 Lunch at the 'Regional Market'.
15:00 End.

What do we ask of you?

A good mood, a healthy appetite to be informed and inspired and a click on the registration button.

Will we see you on June 5 in Roermond?

Yes, I will be there!

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