LIOF supports you in strengthening the competitive position of both your company and of Limburg as a logistics region

Find your advisor
in three steps

70 committed LIOF colleagues help your company grow with advice, a solid network and financing, to strive for a smarter, more durable and healthy Limburg.


The logistics sector in Limburg accounts for over 13% of Limburg's employment opportunities, around 60,000 people, and contributes €4.7 billion in added value. That makes the logistics sector one of the most important sectors in Limburg.
We support you in strengthening the competitive position of both your company and of Limburg as a logistics region. We do by this providing advice, innovation, and business projects and by taking business opportunities.

What can we offer you?

Our team knows the business and relevant actors in the logistics sector. We gladly share our knowledge and network with you in personal conversations but also through our network-meetings, projects and inspirational sessions. For more information, please go to our event-page or call us!
Together with you we can review and optimize your businessplan.

Be informed!

In the period 2016 till spring 2020 we stimulated many innovations and supported companies by means of our subsidies. However, the program LimburgLogistiek has come to an end and the budgets are exhausted. This means you can no longer submit new applications.

Final declaration

If you wish to submit a final declaration for an Innovation-, Advice- or Knowledge project subsidy, please go directly to the page in question. There you wil find all relevant information:
•    Innovation project
•    Advice project
•    Knowledge project

New programm

Together with the Province of Limburg and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, we are defining a next program which includes new support possibilities. If you want to be informed on this subject, please register here for our newsletter.

Innovative idea?

Do you have an innovative idea or do you have questions on further steps you need to take for the realization of this idea? Please contact us. We support you with our advice and open up our extensive network to you!

Business Opportunities

Chances for your company

Advice project

Strengthen the competitiveness of your company

Innovation project

Stimulating new developments

Need some help?

LIOF news

Through our newsletter LIOF Nieuws we inform you on actual developments, trends and events. Register here and stay informed!