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About the program
To stimulate innovation and accelerated development of new technologies for the Einstein Telescope (ET), the ET valorization program starts.
Regional development company for Limburg LIOF is directing nationwide, also on behalf of the Ministries of EZK and OCW and Nikhef. With three service points at the regional development companies BOM (Brabant), InnovationQuarter (South Holland) and Oost NL (East Netherlands), nationwide connections are being sought with high-tech ecosystems around the technical universities and consortia are being built together with industry and knowledge institutions. The goal of the program is to strengthen the candidacy for the arrival of the Einstein Telescope.
Go to the special website about this program
R&D scheme
The next call of the R&D scheme technology domains Einstein Telescope will open on June 24, 2024. For the total scheme - which has five technology domains - €12.085 million is available. That amount was allocated in 2022 in the 2nd round of projects from the National Growth Fund. The second call is for the technology domain "vibration damping. Companies can be eligible for a grant of up to €2.585 million in this opening. The five technology domains are:
- Vibration-free cooling: development of vibration-free cooling of mirrors to temperature 10 - 20 K.
- Vacuum technology: cost savings of vacuum system and design of production facility and installation scenario.
- Vibration damping: development of optimal combination of passive and active vibration damping.
- Optics: development of large Si mirrors and coating for application at temperature 10 - 20 K. Opening June 24.
- Technical deformations: development of technology to monitor and compensate for thermally induced deformations. Opening September 2.
Who is eligible for the R&D scheme?
The scheme is for individual companies and partnerships (consortia). Consortia can include startups and SMEs, large companies and knowledge institutions. By collaborating with these various parties, the scheme hopes to promote cooperation between different players in the innovation ecosystem and accelerate the development of breakthrough technologies. This includes looking at applications and uses in other areas and sectors.
The next opening (call) of the R&D scheme for Optics is on June 24, 2024. Interested parties are encouraged to contact a business developer in the following regions:
- South Holland region: Albert van Dorssen
- Brabant region: Karin van Dalen
- region East Netherlands: Melissa Jonkman.
Companies in the regions where there is no business developer can contact Jorg van der Meij (contact details at the bottom of the page).
In time, other activities will take place from within this program, such as knowledge sessions and networking events and the development of a platform. An advisory board consisting of members from the business community will look at innovation, market opportunities and networking. As soon as more is known we will share this info.
About the Einstein Telescope
The Einstein Telescope will be an advanced underground observatory for gravitational waves. The border region of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is an ideal location for this. This is because of its tranquility, stable soil, and strong ecosystem of knowledge institutions and high-tech companies. In 2025 or 2026, the location of this top facility will be announced. Want to stay up to date on everything happening around the Einstein Telescope project? Then sign up for the general newsletter:
About the National Growth Fund
With the National Growth Fund, the government is investing €20 billion between 2021 and 2025 in projects that will ensure long-term economic growth. These are targeted investments in two areas where there are the most opportunities for structural and sustainable economic growth. These are Knowledge Development and Research, Development and Innovation. The underlying idea is that economic growth also generates more income. This allows for continued investment in healthcare, education and the necessary measures to combat climate change. More information about the National Growth Fund and the Einstein Telescope can be found at:
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